June 8 - 16th, 2019
Canada's celebration of recreational paddlesports, craft, heritage, and water safety from sea to sea to sea!
e want to encourage as many Canadians to get into a canoe, kayak or onto a board and be counted during this extended week to show our national commitment to the fun, the benefits, and challenge of paddling!
New in 2019: Welcoming our racing friends Canoe Kayak Canada, and Sail Canada getoutonthewater.ca to the national celebration of boating!
National Paddling Week is What You Make it!
During National Paddle Week clubs, groups, organizations and/or individuals community members are welcome to host events of all shapes and sizes - or simply register a private/family paddle on the free shared calendar. No fees, specific affiliation or membership to any group is required to participate from Paddle Canada or its website.
How do you join the celebration?
Take a paddle and tell us about it on the calendar. Facebook your paddle fun - everyone in the shot on the water must be wearing a PFD or jacket to post.
Double the fun! Invite co-workers, family, or a non-paddling friend to you at an event!
Challenge your community watersport, charity, or business competitors to a friendly contest!
*Individual events may choose to charge a fee or pass on a non-tax deductible donation to help fund Paddling Week website and support. Contact Dawn Callan at [email protected] to chat.
Free to use event and educational resources on this website or by emailing [email protected]
National Paddling Week Facebook Page
Open for year-round paddle chat!
* 2 posts per month maximum over the calendar year
Recreational paddlers of all abilities and ages will enjoy increased access, awareness and exposure to paddle sports & their benefits through this paddle community communication "hub".
Community clubs, groups, organizations, would be volunteers and event hosts may post events at no charge. We want everyone to benefit from increased free promotion through the National Paddling Week page, website, and participation!
Paddle instructors and skill development groups are welcome to benefit from the increased public interest, client or participant development, general publicity, and program awareness.
Both community and National Paddling Week partners are welcome to broaden their membership base, donations, and corporate sponsorship by enhanced outreach and promotion through our platform.
National Paddling Week Development
National Paddling Week as we know it today is the brainchild of Rapid Media’s Scott Mac Gregor, an annual commitment by Paddle Canada, who shares its roots in previously existing national canoe day project by the Canadian Museum. What happens today is a community-based chain of events which the result of many paddlers and paddling organizations shining a spotlight on our national water heritage and paddlesports. Hats off to our friends on the water National Fishing Week - you showed us the way!
The mission is to promote recreational paddling through individuals, groups, families, events instructors, industry, clubs, communities and other recreational paddlers.
Paddle Canada acts as the administrating partner, coordinating information, volunteers, and connecting ideas and like-minded people who then make it happen in their communities!
Rapid Media contributes to the promotional and media host for the annual campaign. National Paddling Week benefits greatly from the creativity and resources Rapid Media donates so generously!
What help does the umbrella organization/partnership offer?
Free to events: Web / social media based outreached and advertising Support documents about event organization and safety. Online access will be provided to advertising templates, media plan, and press templates. Instructors and industry members are equally encouraged to list workshops, lessons, events, and/or demonstrations.
Money matters - who is paying for what?
Events and their related expenses are the responsibility of the hosts and as such, the budget will reflect the monetary commitment of those hosts.
Is anyone making a profit?
Events may choose to charge fees or admissions as they see fit. Many events will run at cost, by donation or be held for free.
*Life Jacket Challenges may be run as a marathon by individuals and events with non-tax receipt-able donations to local search and rescue partners or charities and are the responsibility of the individuals running them.
*Paddle Canada Instructors/members may charge the standard fees minus the transfer (administration funds) which are normally sent to Paddle Canada who absorb this loss as an in-kind donation to the event. Many thanks on behalf of Kitchens Inc Kitchen Design Companies Hamilton
Past Partners include the Canadian Canoe Foundation and the Canadian Canoe Museum.
Year-Round Paddling Resource Hub:
What began as a week created to boost awareness of our national recreational paddling sports, safety measures, skill development, and heritage five years ago has expanded to include a year-round paddler support hub through this website!